Indonesia BPO interview questions and answers!!

BPO Interview tips

  • General Questions
    • Q. Why do you want to join a BPO ?

      A. BPO is a growing industry in India/Philippines/Malaysia and I am keen to make a career in this industry. I love communicating with people and that is my hobby. I think it will be a great idea if I can turn my hobby into my profession.

    • Q. How long do you plan to work with us?

      A. Do not give a number to the years that you intend to work like 2 years, 5 years etc. Instead answer that you have come here to make a career with the company and would want to grow with the company.

    • Q. Where do you see yourself 3 / 5 years down the line?

      A. I see myself handling higher responsibilities in the organization. Do not mention specific designations like you want to become a Team leader/Manager etc

    • Q. What are your strengths?

      A. This is one question where you can impress the interviewer. Try to mention a strength which has relevance to the job you have applied for. For eg: your ability to analyse can earn you brownie points in a banking interview. However make sure you don’t go overboard with this answer, which might give the impression that you are bluffing in the interview.

    • Q. What are your weaknesses?

      A. This is a tricky question and everyone has some weakness. So you cannot tell the interviewer that you have no weakness. Here you can mention a weakness that sounds positive to the interviewer. For eg: Weakness in maths may not be a very big negative while applying for customer service jobs. However you should also tell them what have you done to overcome this weakness. For eg, reading books on vedic maths can be a solution to overcome this weakness.

    • Q. Are you ready to relocate in the present or future?

      A. This is a tricky question and if you are applying for a Sales/Marketing job the logical answer has to be YES. In case you are sure you do not want to relocate tell them a NO. If you are confused, give a diplomatic answer like “I can consider that in the future if I get a meaningful role”.

    • Q. How do you handle stress/pressure?

      A. The interviewer tries to gauge your ability to handle pressure. Many employees break down during pressurising jobs like sales and the interviewer, through this question, tries to understand whether you can actually handle pressure. Give examples like going for team outing, picnics, dinners are your way to manage stress and pressures at work. Giving equal importance to family and friends helps one to manage pressure better at work place.

    • Q. Have you been ever fired from the job?

      A. The answer to this question has to be a NO. No interviewer wants such an employee.

  • Fresher
    • Q. Are you a fresher in a BPO?

      A. Interviewers evaluate a fresher candidate based on his educational qualification. Chances of rejection are high if you have a degree that has no co-relation with BPO. for eg, if you have done Architecture and applying for BPO. The interviewer may ask you if you have applied for Architecture jobs and your answer has to be a NO. Convince the interviewer that you realized later that architecture is not for you and so you want to join a BPO.

      Many Companies do not consider graduation from open university as a certified graduate. If you have done graduation from open university and the BPO requires a graduate check with your consultancy or the company if you are eligible to apply.

      If you come from a super-rich family background then the chances of rejection in a BPO is high as the interviewer assumes you may not be serious for this job. It's ok to come from a well to do family but being super rich can be a cause of rejection. For e.g your father is an Industrialist. In such a case show modesty and give a feeling that you are not super rich.

      If you have worked in non-BPO and now applying for BPO then be ready for a grilling session by the interviewer. For eg. if you have worked in retail and now applying for BPO then the interviewer may ask you the reason for joining a BPO. Many candidates make the mistake by saying that their current industry is not doing well and so they are applying for BPO. This means that when the recession will be over you will switch back to your current industry. Any interviewer will reject you. Give reasons like "I do not think I am made for the retail industry and so I want to join the fast growing BPO industry".

      The interviewer may ask you your salary expectations. Here you have to be diplomatic by saying as per industry standards. Many freshers give unreasonable salary expectations in the interview and get rejected. Remember, if you don't like the offer you can always reject it but don't let the interviewer reject you on this issue.

      Never be nervous in the interview for BPO. Remember the interviewer needs good employees more badly then you need this BPO job. So if anyone has to be nervous it should be the interviewer and not you. Be confident and you will surely crack the interview.

    • Q. Are you a fresher?

      A. Interviewers evaluate a fresher candidate based on his educational qualification. Chances of rejection are high if you have a degree that has no co-relation with that Industry. for eg, if you have done Architecture and applying for Retail. The interviewer may ask you if you have applied for Architecture jobs and your answer has to be a NO. Convince the interviewer that you realised later that architecture is not for you and so you want to join the Retail Industry.

      Many companies do not consider graduation from open university as a certified Graduate. If you have done graduation from open university and the company requires a graduate check with your consultancy or the company if you are eligible to apply.

      If you come from a Super-Rich family background then the chances of rejection in some industries like Retail, BPO etc is high as the interviewer assumes you may not be serious for this job. Its ok to come from a well to do family but being super rich can be a cause of rejection. For e.g your father is an Industrialist. in such a case show modesty and give a feeling that you are not super rich.

      If you have worked in one Industry and now applying for another Industry then be ready for a grilling session by the interviewer. For eg. if you have worked in retail and now applying for Airlines then the interviewer may ask you the reason for joining Aviation Industry. Many candidates make the mistake by saying that their current industry is not doing well and so they are applying for the other Industry. In this example aviation This means that when the recession will be over you will switch back to your current Industry. Any Interviewer will reject you. Give reasons like “I do not think I am made for the retail industry and so I want to join the fast growing Aviation industry”.

      The Interviewer may ask you your salary expectations. Here you have to be diplomatic by saying as per Industry Standards. Many freshers give unreasonable salary expectations in the interview and get rejected. Remember,if you don’t like the offer you can always reject it but don’t let the Interviewer reject you on this issue.

      Never be nervous in the interview. Remember the interviewer needs good employees more badly then you need this job. So if anyone has to be nervous it should be the interviewer and not you. Be confident and you will surely crack the interview.

  • Career Stability
    • Q. Are you a stability reject?

      A. Candidates who bad mouth their past employers or past bosses get rejected in the interview as this shows poor team management skills.

      If you mention anything about shifts or show preference about shifts you will surely get rejected in the interview. Always mention that you are ok with any shifts.

      If you have left your previous company within 6 months there is a 99.9% chance that you will get rejected unless the company or the process in that company has shut down.

      If the interviewer asks you to sign a bond then your answer has to be YES. Remember the interviewer is trying to check if you are going to work for long term and 99.9% of times there is no bond to be signed. Bond is anyways illegal in India, Philippines and Malaysia.

      If your interviewer asks you whether you are willing to pursue further education then your answer should be NO. If you say YES it indicates that you will take leaves during exams or may quit for education.

      If you are overqualified for the Job you will 100% get rejected. Eg are "MBA Degree while applying for CSE", "Current Designation is a manager while applying for the post of a Team Leader".

      If you are a female candidate and just delivered a baby then there is a 100% chance that the interviewer might reject you as he thinks you would not be comfortable working in shifts.

  • Previous Employment
  • VNA Round
    • Giving the VNA round

      1. Be calm and composed while giving the VNA round.

      2. Do not use english fillers or regional language fillers.

      3. If you are stuck you can pause for a few seconds so that you can frame the answer in your mind and then speak.

      4. Do not try to put in a fake accent and be as natural as you can be.

      5. Speak grammatically correct Sentences. Remember it is ok if you don't speak sense in the VNA round as long as you are grammatically correct

  • Customer Service Executive
    • Q. Have you worked as a Customer Service Executive earlier?

      A. Yes or no depending upon your experience. If yes, tell the interviewer that you enjoyed the role of a CSE.

    • Q. What were your Csat/AHT targets and how much did you achieve?

      A. Here you have to inform the interviewers with exact numbers of your Csat/AHT targets. Always mention that you achieved all the targets given by your seniors/clients.

    • Q. Are you comfortable working over time and in different shifts?

      A. The answer to this question should be a YES. If you show any discontent the interviewer will outright reject you.

    • Q. Do you have any health issues or allergy of any kind?

      A. The answer to this question has to be a NO. If you indicate any health issues or allergy it denotes that you may fall sick due to stress which may result in frequent absenteeism.

    • Q. Why are you quitting your current BPO?

      A. Tell the interviewers that you have enjoyed your experience with the current employer and learnt a lot of things. However, I think I have spent a good amount of time with them and it is time to move to a bigger brand like your organization for better prospects. Remember do not say any negative things about your previous/current employer.

    • Q. How would you handle an irate customer?

      A. Well generally these customers have had a bad experience using our clients product or service and I have to apologize with him. It is important to cool down his temper by showing empathy and listening to his pain areas. Apart from that I have to find a solution that compensates the loss occurred to the customer due to our faulty product/services.

    • Q. How long do you plan to work with us?

      A. This is question thrown at you to check your stability. Be diplomatic here and inform them that you are not joining a company to leave it. Tell them you have come here to make a career with the organization and want to grow with it.

  • Technical Support Executive
    • Q. What is an operating system?

      A. An operating system (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs.

    • Q. Name some of the Operating Systems?

      A. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 7, Apple Mac OS, and Linux.

    • Q. What is a Firewall?

      A. A firewall is a system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network. You can implement a firewall in either hardware or software form, or a combination of both. Firewalls prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets.

    • Q. What is an Internet Service Provider?

      A. An Internet Service Provider (also known as an ISP or even as an IAP, internet access provider) is a firm that offers subscribers access to the internet. This internet service provider maintains large runs of cabling and maintains network services in order to transfer and deliver web content to those paying the subscription fee. Example: MTNL, Airtel, TATA, Vodafone etc are the various service providers in India.

    • Q. What is RAM, Hard Drive, Processor and Motherboard ?

      A. RAM: Random-access memory (RAM) is a form of computer data storage.

      HARD DISK : A hard disk drive (HDD) is a data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital information. Processor: The processor (CPU, for Central Processing Unit) is the computer's brain. It allows the processing of numeric data, meaning information entered in binary form, and the execution of instructions stored in memory. Motherboard: The motherboard is the main circuit board in a computer. A motherboard provides a way for hardware in a computer to communicate with each other.

    • Q. What is IP address?

      A. A unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each computer attached to the Internet.

    • Q. How will I find the IP address?

      A. Step1. Go to the "Start" menu and type "CMD" in the "Search" field. Click on the "Command Prompt" shortcut in the search results.

      Step 2. Type "ipconfig" without the quotes and press "Enter." This displays the basic information for your main network adapter. The IP address is clearly marked.

    • Q. What is DSL ?

      A. Digital subscriber line (DSL, originally digital subscriber loop) is a family of technologies that provide Internet access by transmitting digital data over the wires of a local telephone network.

    • Q. What is a Router?

      A. A router is specialized computer connected to more than one network running software that allows the router to move data from one network to another.

    • Q. What is a Switch?

      A. A switch is used in a wired network to connect Ethernet cables from a number of devices together.

    • Q. What is a Modem? What are the different kinds of Modem?

      A. A modem is a device or program that enables a computer to transmit data over, for example, telephone or cable lines. There are different kinds of modems available in the market like LAN modem and WIFI Modems

  • Collections Executive
  • Sales/Upselling Executive
  • Retentions Executive
  • Team Leader/Manager
  • Technical Trainer
  • Technical Manager
  • Soft Skills/VNA Trainer
  • Quality Excecutive
  • HR Excecutive-Recruitment
  • Recruitment Manager
  • Workflow Analyst MIS
    • Q. Can you briefly describe your Work Force Management team?

      A. Here you have to list the number of planners agents and main activities along with their locations. For eg. I manage a team of 7 workforce planners. We plan for large insurance claim operations which consists of 2000 claim handlers. These claim handlers are spread across 8 US locations, 1 in Mumbai and 1 in Manila while my central planning team is based in New York.

    • Q. What is your greatest Work Force Planning success story?

      A. Here list down the achievements and awards that you may have got from your employer and how accurately you were able to predict the work force demand and also devise an effective strategy to accomplish it.

    • Q. What are the most important skills required for a Work Force Planner?

      A. List down qualities like Perseverance, Self Belief, Communication, Business understanding, Managing relationships and confidence in working with numbers.

    • Q. How do you manage the friction between Work Force Planning and operations team?

      A. Here you have to tell the interviewers that one cannot be a good Work Force planner until he understands the operations in details. My team makes it a point to spend time with the operations team on regular basis and we keep on having healthy discussions and debates between both the teams. List down some examples of how you managed friction between teams, if any which will demonstrate your maturity and leadership skills.

  • Finance & Accounting Exec
  • Tips For a Good Resume
    • Q. How to make resume?

      A. Make it concise and clear with proper spacing between lines.

      Use the KISSS Formula. Keep It Short Sweet and Simple.

      Your educational qualification should be on the front page as it may be the first thing that an employer reads.

      Your previous experience should mention your achievements and how it helped you shape your better career.

      Write a MANTRA for your life for eg "I believe differentiation gives better success then hard-work." To support your mantra you can use corporate examples like "Samsung toppled Nokia from Number 1 position because of its differentiation in handsets and use of Android". You can have any mantra for your life and there is no rule book for this.

      Mention what are your qualities that will help the employer.Do not mention answers like hard working, talented etc. Say something different which appeals the employer to shortlist your CV.

      Try and mention the names of references of important people under whom you have worked which gives credibility to your candidature.

      Mention one event in your professional career where you had to implement a unique idea where your subordinates, superiors were not too convinced and how you managed to implement it successfully which at the end helped the organization.

  • Document FAQ
    • Q. I don't have a relieving letter from my past employer?

      A. Many BPO's do not require a relieving letter.However, if you have bagged a job in a BPO where relieving letter is compulsory then you can pay the basic amount of your salary to your previous employer and get the relieving letter even if you have not served the notice period. Remember according to labour laws of India, Philippines, Malaysia and a lot of countries an employer is bound to give you the relieving letter if you have paid the basic amount of your salary. For eg your salary is 20000 Pesos and your basic amount is 5000 Pesos then you have to pay 5000 pesos to get your relieving letter. This is on assumption that your notice period is 1 month.

    • Q. I don't have a resignation acceptance from my past employer?

      A. You can send an official resignation e-mail to you boss and the H.R of your past employer and forward the same mail to your new prospective employer. Many BPO's accept this as a valid proof of resignation.

    • Q. I don't have salary slips of my previous/current employer.

      A. You can then provide a bank statement wherein your amount was credited in your account by your previous/current employer.

    • Q. I don't have bank statement also to prove my salary amount being credited by my previous employer.

      A. In such a case, get a letter from your previous employer on the official letterhead by your past employer mentioning the amount of salary that you used to draw while you were with them. It should also mention the exact bifurcation between your fixed and variable components. The letter also has to mention your last day of working with them.

    • Q. I stay in a rented apartment. What address proof I need to give in such a situation?

      A. Get the copy of agreement between you and the landlord which should act as a valid address proof. If you get a letter from the society/colony on their letterhead it will help your prospective employer to roll out the offer letter.

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